IronRuby and the Dreaded Method not found error 2013-01-12

This post is related to this StackOverflow question.

UPDATE: This is fixed in the master branch if IronLanguages repo, check the footer note.

Maybe you've had it, and maybe not, but if you have, then you know how horrible it is when IronRuby gives you this totally unrelated error, for no apparent reason:

To put things in context imagine you create a very basic IronRuby application, a very simple Ruby script:

obj =

And then Boom! You get something like this:

Method not found: 'Microsoft.Scripting.Actions.Calls.OverloadInfo[] 

WTF is going on? It seems IronRuby 1.1.3 came with a strange bug where you can't call even though if you run ir.exe it says System::Object clearly has a .new class method:

IronRuby on .NET 4.0.30319.17929
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

>>> Object.methods
=> [:Equals, :ReferenceEquals, :allocate, :clr_constructor, :clr_ctor, :clr_new, :new, ...]

Introducing Dependency Locator 2012-12-18

What is Dependency Locator?

Dependency Locator is an implementation of the Service Locator pattern with a twist (aren't they all?). Dependency Locator uses a C# API for setting up dependencies (no more hundreds of XML configuration for your dependencies).


  • Fluent C# API for Dependency configuration
  • It can setup Singletons
  • It can setup Configuration values
  • It can setup Lazy evaluated Dependencies, Singletons or Configuration values
  • It can setup Named dependencies
  • It understands generic interfaces and implementations

What are its advantages?

  • Almost no XML configuration (the example given here is your template, you just have to change 1 line)
  • Uninvasive changes necessary to refactor out dependencies
  • Can be used for integration testing, by setting up a combination of dummy and real implementations under test
  • Promotes the use of modularity in the system structure
  • Its perfect for refactoring legacy code
  • Its perfect for making legacy code more testable

WinRDBI Syntax Highlighting on Notepad++ 2012-12-18

In this small guide, you will be guided in the steps to add Syntax Highlighting and Auto-Complete features for WinRDBI Relational Algebra for Notepad++.

Step 1: Create a new file called userDefineLang.xml in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\, and add to it the content of this gist.

Step2: Create a new file called winrdbi.xml in %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\, and add to it the content of this gist.

Step3: If your background is white, the highlighting will look ugly, for that you need a dark theme for notepad, in order to activate a theme compatible with this Syntax Highlighter, you’ll have to create a file called Obsidian_mod.xml in %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\themes\, and add to it the content of this gist.

Then enable Obsidian_mod in Notepad++: Settings -> Style Configurator -> Select theme: Obsidian_Mod

Tutorial de NUnit 2012-12-18

1.1 ¿Cómo funciona NUnit?

Las pruebas de NUnit pueden ser escritas en cualquier lenguaje de .NET que tenga soporte para la clase Attribute. Las pruebas NUnit se definen por medio de atributos, aserciones y posiblemente con la ayuda de una variable de contexto de pruebas. Todos estos conceptos serán explicados en secciones posteriores.

Los Atributos indican qué clases son de pruebas, e igualmente identifican los métodos de prueba, así mismo, los atributos también pueden modificar el comportamiento de una prueba en varias maneras.

Las Aserciones prueban un valor resultante contra una o más Condiciones, si el resultado cumple con todas las condiciones, la prueba se considera exitosa, de lo contrario se considera fallida.

El código de usuario en una prueba, puede adquirir información sobre la prueba y el ambiente en que ejecuta, por medio de la variable de Contexto de Pruebas.